
Building and scaling your manufacturing or distribution business should not be so difficult. Working with an experienced B2X software integration team makes it much easier. There are so many options but which one will work best for your business?
Selecting the right eCommerce platform may seem challenging but our experience helps you decipher the code to building and scaling your business. Our partners start with rich B2B commerce features. Together, our solutions will effortlessly adapt to meet your needs and budget while giving you the ability to react quickly, reach new customers, and increase your revenue.
Besides our everyday partners, we developed Magento Automatic PIM (MAP). It simplifies and accelerates the bi-directional integration and communication with both Magento Community and Enterprise editions. You can take full advantage of the MDM/PIM/DAM capabilities inherent in eCommerce Product Management. Using the standard Magento API, it automatically discovers categories, attributes and classes in Magento to create a folder structure in eCommerce Product Management modeling the data already existing in your Magento website.
This integration is done in just one step as compared to other integration efforts that require multiple steps and a lot of support.
The result is enhanced content and digital asset enrichment and management with all data consolidated in one centralized place for an improved and consistent user experience. It quickly enables the enterprise with an open sourced MDM/PIM/DAM without a licensing cost.
As you explore the various platforms, remember you can talk to us about your needs and expectations. Our consultative approach begins and starts with you. Download this eCommerce guide to see where your company fits in terms of SKUs and budget.
“They knew what we needed better than we did. Without CSS Commerce’s help, we couldn’t have had a 3X growth in revenue within a month of implementation”
Zanders Sporting Goods

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