​Zanders Sporting Goods Case Study

How America’s Sporting Goods Distributor Scaled with Open Source, Integration of a PIM and ERP, Advanced Search and Speed

Zanders Sporting Goods is a national distributor of firearms, camping and outdoor sports equipment based in the American Midwest. It is proud to be 100% wholesale and women owned for over 50 years.
“What the CSS Commerce team did for us in 30 days is beyond words. All I can say is that had an increase of 30% in ROI just from eCommerce improvements!” Stephanie Zanders, Zanders Sporting Goods
They service US firearms dealers with over 40K SKUs and products, all offered online. With the need to provide national service to their main clients, Zanders needed to update their eCommerce platform from Magento I, consolidate product information currently being held in various departments of the company, they also needed to integrate their ERP while speeding up communication for both internal and external customers.


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System Integration

By integrating their eCommerce platform with both a PIM and their own ERP, Zanders was able to streamline communication, marketing, sales, accounting, and logistics while providing management more tools with real time data.

Advanced Search Capabilities

With a PIM and the ERP integrated, a buyer will quickly receive up to the minute product information, by whatever means searched, whether with product SKU, serial number or product picture, thus improving the buyer experience.

Customized Mobile App for Sales

Product information is centralized and readily available to the sales force, buyers as well as throughout the supply chain, adding availability and logistics support to sales.

Speed Up

Currently, the time to first byte averages 0.189 seconds while the total load time is now consistently down to approximately 2 seconds. With site speed up, cart conversions are significantly improved and direct affect the bottom line.

About Zanders Sporting Goods

Zanders Sporting Goods is a 100% wholesale distributor located in Sparta, IL. They have been in business since 1965 and is proudly an all-woman owned company committed to outstanding customer service and providing their dealers with the resources they need to be successful.



Service US firearms dealers with 40,000 SKUs and products that now include archery & archery accessories as well as camping equipment.

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