Mark’s Plumbing Case Study

How Mark’s Plumbing SKUs Finally Got Found by Their Buyers

Mark’s Plumbing is an independent distributor of plumbing supplies to contractors, school systems, & other governmental entities including prisons. The challenge Mark’s faced was that they had more than 1 million SKUs yet approximately only 80,000 SKUs were available on the website which lead to very unhappy and frustrated customers. They had three main goals: get at least a quarter of a million SKUs online right away, move all one million SKUs and make them available and quickly searchable to their customers.

“What a difference CSS Commerce made to our business and in such a short time! We saw the impact right away.”

Project Manager, Mark’s Plumbing


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Product Availability with Findability

Initial goal reached of a quarter million SKUs – and they can all be found by buyers, not just by part number or SKU. Descriptions coming from their PIM are so enhanced that a buyer can find not just the product he/she was searching for but also any complementary products as well as products he/she might have missed.

Customized Search Tool that Delivers

With the elastic SOLR Search, we were able to give Mark’s a tool that will continue to grow with them as they continue to scale their product SKUs. Its adaptability and flexibility with AI is incorporated for long term growth.

Increased Sales Margin & ROI

Mark’s experienced an increase in their margins just because of the way search results were served up to the buyer. By giving them options, the client was better able to showcase their higher margin OEM brand, giving them higher shopping cart values.

About Mark’s Plumbing

Founded in 1981 by the Gasparini family, the business has grown from its humble Fort Worth, Texas based beginnings to be a national distributor of plumbing and electrical parts and maintenance services covering the entire United States.



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